Friday, October 16, 2009

Tattoos are increasingly looked upon as lifestyle accessories. Every youngster, and some oldies too, find them very cool, irresistible and up to date. The numbers of tattoo flaunting human bodies are increasing day by day. Tattoo designing, therefore, is becoming a highly rewarding business, just like fashion designing and jewellery designing.

You would be astounded at the themes and varieties of tattoos that people wear. In most cases, tattoos reflect the tastes and personality of the person. Some are pleasant, while some others are too weird. There are no design parameters here, but only a desire to display our tastes.

Some religiously inclined persons etch scriptures on prominent body parts while those who are deeply in love print the initials of the loved one and related items on the body. Thos who love to shock others go for evil looking ones, while the nature lover may opt for a brilliant design of nature.

The basic aim of body tattooing is to attract others and to reflect our personality. First of all, you need to remember is most tattoos are not erasable without a medicated process, which may leave the skin burned or tattered. So choose the design carefully and evaluate whether it suits you perfectly. There is no dearth of ideas and designs now. You can check the Internet and have millions of designs from tattoo design picture galleries.

The design themes range from evil designs, historical themes, astrological patterns, pictures of animals and birds, insects like dragonflies, supernatural elements like dragons and unicorns, religious themes like The Cross and Om etc. You name it and the Internet has it. Let me again remind you that it would be a mortal sin if you refuse to refer to such marvelous themes and themes available at the click of a mouse, and settle for a tattoo that is totally incompatible to your body, your dressing, your beliefs and tastes.



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