Showing posts with label TattoosTribal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TattoosTribal. Show all posts

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Since thousands of years tribal tattoos are being inked into the skin of human beings. The practice may somewhat differ from what tattooing means now but people still get tribal tattoos done on their skin because of their striking design and appearance. Earlier tattoos were done mainly with the reason of belonging to a tribe. People with the same type of tattoo on their skin belonged to the same tribe. Apart for this reason there were also many other reasons for getting a tattoo.

For some tribes tattooing was a path to social status. The Maori tribe was one among them. The Maoris were a tribe of New Zealand and tribal tattoos let them ride the ladder of social status. Their tattoos were known as Moko designs. But Moko designs were not only used for social status, it was also used for health purposes. They believed that by tattooing Moko designs on their skin they can preserve their youth. That is why women of Maori used to tattoo their lips and chins. An old story says when an old woman started losing her eyesight; she tattooed her hands and face in order to gain back her eyesight.

In Hawaii, the inhabitants had their own tattoo God, temples for tattoo Gods and also tattoo priests. Before starting a tattooing session they used to pray to the tattoo God to make the process less painful, so that the person upon whom the tattoo is done doesn't die and the wounds heal as fast as possible and they also pray for design to be beautiful.


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